martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Heroes of Olympus

Welcome back once again, dear Demigods.
Today´s Tuesday, 20th March, 2018.

As you might haver read in the title, I´ll be reviewing Percy Jackson, the famous Bestseller in New York Times.

·Titles: The Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, Curse of the Titan, Battle of the Labyrinth, The Last Hero of Olympus// The Lost Hero, Neptune´s Son, Athena´s Mark, House of Hades, The Blood of Olympus.

·Author: Richard Russel "Rick" Riordan


·Languages: His books have been translated into 42 languages.

·Copies sold: More than 30 million copies have been sold, just in the US.  

·Personal opinion: Since I was a child, mythology has been one of my passions. I was first introduced to the "Riordanverse" (How fans call the universe this writer has created) was in 5th Primary/5th Grade. My History teacher showed us the movie, The Lightning Thief, and I instantly fell in love with it. The second one, The Sea of Monsters, was released that same year, and I couln´t resist to watch it. But it wasn´t until 2nd Secondary/8th Grade when I read the books.
The movies were fine, but were completely different from the books, which made me feel discouraged. I have to admit I read the whole collection in a month or so. And I soon found myself buying merchandise online and having Camp Half-Blood´s T-shirt. 
I have also Cosplayed Percy Jackson once or twice, and I must admit it was fun, but I do need to update it a bit.
My favourite character so far was Nico di Angelo, which I´m not gonna mention in extent (Spoiler Alert). I´m looking forward to Cosplay him too.

·Recommendations: These books are written for teenagers. Ancient History is so rich and it´s so sads it´s getting lost, so it really fills me with joy to find a juvenile author has written about it. Percy´s adventures are quite fun, and I would recommend everyone to read it.

To finish, here you have some art by Viria. You can find her on